Reply to post: Re: think out of the box?

How many days of carefree wiping do you have left before life starts to look genuinely apocalyptic? Let's find out

jake Silver badge

Re: think out of the box?

"We couldn't prove it was him, but we knew it was him."

Be careful ... at one place I worked in the late 70s we had a guy like that. Or so we thought. Until we placed my lovingly hand-made CROMEMCO Cyclops in a spot to capture the perp red-handed. It turned out to be the guy who was spreading the rumo(u)rs that it was the first guy.

The second guy was fired forthwith, and we had a rather hilarious beer-bust the following friday where we all took turns coming up with the biggest whopper about the first guy ... with the first guy sitting on a hastily constructed "throne" on a man-lift, looking down at all of us groveling in apology beneath him.

40 years on, most of us are still in touch. It's funny what will unite people.

"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." —Samuel Langhorne Clemens

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