Reply to post: Re: Reg Unit required?

16 years and counting: How ESA squeezed oodles of bonus science out of plucky Mars Express probe

Anonymous Coward

Re: Reg Unit required?

I forgot to mention in my previous reply that the unit actually used by practitioners is usually the 'nol': 'normalised oppy, logarithmic'. The value in nols is defined as the natural logarithm of the value in oppys, + ln[5111/90] + 1. It is easy to check that a mission with a nol value of 1 lasted for its expected time, a mission which was a total failure has a nol value of negative infinity, and Opportunity had a nol value of 1 + ln(5111/90). nols are particularly useful as they are around 1 for the expected mission duration, while oppys are rather small values then. nols are not SI units.

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