Reply to post: Re: Pardon!

Official: Office 365 Personal, Home axed next month... and replaced by Microsoft 365 cloud subscriptions

doublelayer Silver badge

Re: Pardon!

The software will use the same technology that was demonstrated by Apple that time they put a surprise feature in all their mobile devices that watched something, maybe the location system but it worked with that turned off, that would deactivate most features with an annoying screen if they sensed you moving at possibly automotive speeds. They didn't check that you were on a street when turning this on, so it would activate while you were riding a train, and they of course activated it for all passengers in cars. As I don't own a car, that feature was particularly irritating to me.

So to answer your question, they won't have omnipresent tracking. They'll just watch the device and only track when it moves fast. So only when you're traveling anywhere by any transportation method faster than a walk. Data collected will only include where and when you started the transport, every road you took, how long you waited at any turns, any backtracks or detours, and of course where and when you stopped. Then that data will be sent to your parents or somebody via a cloud service which you don't own and can't audit. That's not complete tracking is it?

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