Reply to post: Re: The emergency regulations...

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, health secretary Matt Hancock both test positive for COVID-19 coronavirus

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: The emergency regulations...

Now people should stay off busy paths even if they are public footpaths but this farmer was not assaulted for disinfecting gate handles. His story is that 1) he told the walker to go home; 2) the walker gave him a funny look and then 3) the walker punched him several times giving him bruises and shaking him up but not seriously injuring him.

Do some people give others funny looks then launch into a full physical assault? Or did something happen between 2 & 3? Did he give the walker a funny look back? Did he repeat the order to go home? Both of those would have been absolutely no provocation. But did he threaten to get physical? Did he throw a punch? Did he threaten to go and get his shotgun?

We don't know what started the fight, and if there were no other witnesses, was the footpath really too busy at that particular moment?

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