Reply to post: Problem with learning parrot fashion

That awful moment when what you thought was a number 1 turned out to be a number 2

Andy Non Silver badge

Problem with learning parrot fashion

I know several people (the wife included) who for whatever reason are either unable or unwilling to understand what they are doing on computers, smart phones, recording programs on the TV etc, so rely on doing it exactly the same way, parrot fashion, time after time. Some even have notes listing all the steps in order. This only works until something breaks that sequence, as in this article and they are left floundering. Maybe it is down to poor training, or poor aptitude for the task or just an unwillingness to learn and understand the underlying aspects of what they are doing.

I always try to explain to people what is happening behind the scenes of their button pushing / mouse clicking sequences but am sometimes met with bafflement, resistance or sometimes plain hostility - "I just want it to work, OK!" You just can't help some people.

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