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Amazon, Apple, Google, IBM, Microsoft speech-to-text AI systems can't understand black people as well as whites

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

It is a matter of infinite regret to this interlocutor that thou thinkest that the manner in which thou expressest thine intellectual processes verbally is the only nice and accurate formulation of the language utilised by the people of England, and which is further required to be used semper, ubique et ad omnibus.

It also peeves me that you think the only form of English allowed is the one you happen to have learnt.

(Most Portuguese speakers neither live in Portugal nor speak with a Lisbon accent. And most English speakers do not use the Home Counties RP I grew up with either. But speech-to-text systems can generally understand me without any problems, other than the one the other day that repeatedly misheard my carefully articulated "ess" as "z". That is unusual; more often due to that bit of American weirdness they tend to hear "see" (third letter of alphabet) as z which they pronounce "zee". "Zed" is much simpler for an automated recognition system.)

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