Reply to post: Re: Agile?

Your Agile-built IT platform was 'terrible', Co-Op Insurance chief complained to High Court

Henry Wertz 1 Gold badge

Re: Agile?

Agreed. I mean, I'm sure there's some types of software where this could work just great. It's tempting, you get a system up very quickly with like 50-90% the functionality you need. Then that last 10%, it's the part where you have some element of luck, your design, choice of APIs, etc. that is 90% functional is just what you need for the last 10%, and it's no sweat. Or, that doesn't happen and that last 10% is a horrible slog to get it going, some few percent may never get done and there may be a few intractable bugs. These are cases where something closer to waterfall model is better, design up front.

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