Reply to post: Re: It is all about Usablility

Surge in home working highlights Microsoft licensing issue: If you are not on subscription, working remotely is a premium feature

Jou (Mxyzptlk) Silver badge

Re: It is all about Usablility

> Folk using NX don't require a VPN connection

You leave out an important point:

The actual implementation is at least ssh / stunnel, or a well secured https. Nicely implemented with certificates, I hope, else you will have to rely on users with passwords. All these technics are there to get the same security as a VPN - which uses the same technics inside to transfer encrypted data.

It is a point of view whether you let your remote application access to the encryption (which RDP does too, including the certificate fun if you want) or you encapsulate everything.

And you talk like there has never been a security hole in *NX, especially application layer encryption security.

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