Reply to post: Re: The most simple way is not mentioned here?

Surge in home working highlights Microsoft licensing issue: If you are not on subscription, working remotely is a premium feature

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: The most simple way is not mentioned here?

Not bad. Except if someone introduces a worm to the network that exploits an as yet undiscovered RDP bug or a variant of an existing one and your IT guys are on're fucked.

I've put critical web based services behind a reverse proxy, (gitlab, SVN, etc) file sharing is now proxied through a Linux box (mounted SMB group shares symlinked inside SAMBA shared folders for each group) and that box is only accessible via VPN.

Remote access to workstations is possible, but only on request if absolutely necessary.

Email and conferencing is Office365/Teams as it has been for a while.

Most importantly I have 3 encrypted off-site backups and a warm empty file server in the cloud if I need it, everything ready to go...just no data there until I restore it.

Web services are already replicated to a warm set of DC servers for failover.

All good. Everyone working just fine. Most issued with company laptops (at most 1 year old).

Don't forget security and backups guys, you might not be able to get onsite if the shit hits the fan.

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