Reply to post: Bandwidth like Bank Reserves?

Forget toilet roll, bandwidth is the new ration: Amazon, YouTube also degrade video in Europe to keep 'net running amid coronavirus crunch


Bandwidth like Bank Reserves?

Banks only have to hold a certain amount of cash on hand versus what's in deposits. Perhaps ISPs do the same. "100Mbps? We only have 10 on hand." They must count on only a percentage actually using it all at one time. My movies/music are stored locally and consumed on non-windows devices as SMB became a security risk and microsoft wants you to pay up 'Cos Cloud is better.' How's that work with this degradation? I will not be finding out. Not sure it's the people working from home causing the issues. It's the people 'not' working from home but still home. Overall a non-issue. Degraded video vs respirator. I'll take the video.

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