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Reach for the sky: Pixar founders win Turing Award for pioneering 3D animation – and getting rid of jagged edges

Pascal Monett Silver badge

I've been upgrading my graphics card since - (checks records) - 1992. Yes, I've read up on interpolation, yes I know what NURBS are and can tell that I want a card to do that. But know how it works ?

Sorry, bud, I'm a gamer, not a mathematician. I check the specs and choose my card because I've been told what to look for. I have a vague idea of how stuff works because I read about it. I absolutely cannot fathom the math behind it and, being a gamer, I don't have the time. Those games aren't going to play themselves, you know.

Now, if only I could get a version of Minecraft that used Toy Story graphics. That would be awesome.

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