Reply to post: Re: Just an FYI

Resellers facing 'months' of delays for orders to be fulfilled. IT gathers dust on docks as coronavirus-stricken China goes back to work

Tom 38

Re: Just an FYI

The majority of infections are mild and go unreported - only those actually tested get into the headline figure. Ignoring this increases the headline mortality rate.

This argument does not fill me with joy. The argument goes like this: "Only the serious cases get reported, so the actual death rate is lower than N(deaths)/N(cases), this isn't much worse than flu". It's specious, because people with flu, in general, do not go to the doctor and get reported as "having flu" either - because there is naff all they can do for you.

Most people have immune systems with experience of flu, meaning that a lot of the people exposed to flu do not catch flu. People have no such experience of covid-19, so we can expect to see a higher proportion of people who are exposed to it actually catching it, compared to the flu.

I saw some terrible right wing memes today, worst was "I eat my sandwiches with dirty hands from working, do you think I'm scared of some flu?"...

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