Reply to post: Re: Just one question

Google: You know we said that Chrome tracker contained no personally identifiable info? Yeah, about that...


Re: Just one question

"That's like the analogy I give to laypeople to explain this. Imagine that you're riding a cab when somebody slides into the seat next to you with a clipboard, asking you for where you live, where you work, what your interests are et cetera, jotting down your answers in minute detail. Any sane person would tell them to go mind their own business."

I think you might be surprised, Judging by the (unsolicited) phonecalls and visitors at the door who appear to take it for granted that I'll happily answer all sorts of questions without them really explaining (or proving) who they are or why they are asking. If everyone was as concise with an answer of 'None of your business' as we are at home then I doubt they'd be bothering.

(!Sherlock because the clueless are everywhere)

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