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Avast's AntiTrack promised to protect your privacy. Instead, it opened you to miscreant-in-the-middle snooping


If @Matt 83's explanation is accurate, then it isn't exposing you to POODLE as far as I can tell. For POODLE to work, the communications between the client and across a network (usually through a routing device or at the destination site) have to be downgraded to SSL3 or earlier, with the attack occurring on that part of the comms that is at SSL3.

For starters, this is downgrading the connection to TLS1, not SSL3, and as @Matt 83 questioned, is the downgrade along the entire client <-> server communications path, or is it only between the local client browser and the local proxy, where the proxy communicates with the destination site via newer TLS versions? e.g.:

browser <-> TLS1 <-> local (same device as browser) proxy <-> TLS 2+ <-> network

But we don't have enough information, at least from this article, to know. But even then, POODLE requires SSL3 as far as my brief research has found, and, since no citations on POODLE affecting TLS1 were provided, brief is as far as I'll go.

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