Reply to post: Re: Cerf returned a polite, but firm no

House of Lords push internet legend on greater openness and transparency from Google. Nope, says Vint Cerf

Roland6 Silver badge

Re: Cerf returned a polite, but firm no

>There's no doubt that Vint is a bright guy and that he's scrupulously correct and polite face to face, but, like Rees-Mogg...

He's not that bright.

It is clear the Vint who serves Alphabet,i is just a shadow of the younger Vint who helped lay the foundations of the Internet.

There is really no reason why Alphabet couldn't "publish information about algorithms and neural networks", there are plenty of people out-there fully capable of reading and understanding them, however, the real problem is that these would reveal the full extent to which the human hand is still necessary to manipulate the "complex interconnection of weights that take input in and pop something out to tell us you know what quality a particular web page is".

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