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More than a billion hopelessly vulnerable Android gizmos in the wild that no longer receive security updates – research

doublelayer Silver badge

Sometimes, but not really. Just look at the top three manufacturers for having devices on the latest update mentioned in the article. Nokia (TCL) and Xiaomi are mostly using Qualcomm processors and modems. Samsung makes more of that themselves, but also uses Qualcomm. If these three can do it, then most of the other manufacturers using identical chips can also do it. That doesn't make Qualcomm perfect, and I'm sure there are many places where they deny access to important updates, but the manufacturers can't just blame somebody else for their laziness.

Unfortunately, Huawei has not proven itself to be great at releasing updates. While not worse than other manufacturers, they are by no means the best. Even worse, they don't have a great record of allowing users to unlock the bootloader and perform an upgrade manually. For that reason, I'm afraid we'll need to either look elsewhere or keep the pressure on if we would like something more lasting.

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