Reply to post: Re: And in comparison...

More than a billion hopelessly vulnerable Android gizmos in the wild that no longer receive security updates – research

ComputerSays_noAbsolutelyNo Silver badge

Re: And in comparison...

Smartphones are nothing more or less than shitty computers.

Connected to the internet, yet inherently less secure and securable than a full fledged computer/laptop.

They can run basically any application, yet we are more or less restricted to what a handful of app stores have on offer. There is no large software eco-system with plenty of opensource choice, than with regular computers.

They are pretty much general purpose hardware, yet if the manufacturer feels like it, functionality is pretty limited. How long were iPhones incapable of wireless hot-spotting compared to Android phones?

While, they are pretty much general purpose hardware, you're basically caught in an OS duopoly.

list goes on ... feel free to add

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