Reply to post: Re: Variation on a Drying scheme

Disk stuck in the drive? Don't dilly-Dali – get IT on the case!

Killfalcon Silver badge

Re: Variation on a Drying scheme

Back in the day a bunch of my student firends got together to upgrade a friend's computer. He'd had this thing for 4-5 years and got it second hand in the first place, and while they were off visiting folks we thought we'd do something nice for them.

We opened it up (which was an _experience_ for those of us unfamiliar with how much dust builds up in cases) one of use took the HD off to devirus it (which was also an experience, and I was glad to have no part in), and the rest of us set about cleaning the internals enough to work out what hardware we could upgrade with hand-me-downs.

While we were at it I thought "we should clean the keyboard".

Took all the keys off, clean the board out with a brush, and dropped the keys in some hot soapy water to soak for a bit.

I was a bit worried we might end up cleaning the letters off, but they were fine. The spacebar, however? That twisted half-way down the length and no longer fit. Had to just buy a new keyboard.

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