Reply to post: Re: Still a problem though

If it's Goodenough for me, it's Goodenough for you: Canuck utility biz goes all in on solid-state glass battery boffinry

DJO Silver badge

Re: Still a problem though

No, you gave me junk,.

Yttrium Copper Garnet Gallium Nitroxide Ceramic

Nitroxides are cyclic radicals which are completely unsuitable for ceramics, they would break down long before the ceramic was formed.

Garnet isn't even a chemical, it's a group of gemstones, the most common ones are:

Almandine: Fe3Al2(SiO4)3

Pyrope: Mg3Al2(SiO4)3

Spessartine: Mn3Al2(SiO4)3

Th only common bit is the silicate part, silicates are not among the chemicals known to superconduct at any temperature, much the opposite in fact, silicates are insulators.

This forum is not the place for fantasy chemistry, people here know far too much.

The current superconducting record is lanthanum hydride (LaH10) at 250K

This bit made me laugh:

Full free electron flow (aka a Superconductor!) from 10 degrees Celcius (or 283.15 Degrees Kelvin) to 180 Degrees Celcius or 453.15 Degrees Kelvin

A minimum temperature for a superconductor? What happens if it's too cold?

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