Reply to post: Re: What's this, a bug caused by a language quirk?

Let's Encrypt? Let's revoke 3 million HTTPS certificates on Wednesday, more like: Check code loop blunder strikes


Re: What's this, a bug caused by a language quirk?

"goto fail" specifically couldn't have happened in languages where "goto" isn't a thing. But you can create logic errors in every language. As we've seen with this Let's Encrypt bug, you can construct logically wrong code. You could write the equivalent of "goto fail" in a "goto-less" language, by getting a break or termination condition wrong.

For example the Zune player bug where a missing break clause in date calculation code caused an infinite loop. All languages could have such a bug, the language itself can never prevent it. That's why we need careful, rigorous testing. These bugs should really be seen as testing failures. A failure to verify that the code is correct in every possible condition.

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