Reply to post: Re: What's the point of it on *nix?

Open-source, cross-platform and people seem to like it: PowerShell 7 has landed

bazza Silver badge

Re: What's the point of it on *nix?

And when one stops and thinks about it, pushing strings around in pipes is a whole lot less assured than passing objects. Objects have methods with typed parameters, so there's a whole lot less room for error. We've all seen untold numbers of bugs in bash scripts due to misinterpretation of piped data.

The closest I can get is that it's like scriptable dbus.

For all those not liking MS and their porting of PowerShell to Linux, think of this. Radically tearing up how scripting in Linux works is exactly the kind of thing that Pottering would do, see systemd, and now probably won't now that MS have done it first. Arguably that makes it less likely to displace the ancient unix way than if Pottering had got there first.

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