Reply to post: Re: Create strong password, write it on the monitor

GCHQ's infosec arm has 3 simple tips to secure those insecure smart home gadgets

phuzz Silver badge

Re: Create strong password, write it on the monitor

"Leave a "local teenager" in charge of a small child? Seriously??"

Believe it or not, but this was the standard way many of us were brought up. Living in a small village there was no chance of a 'professional babysitter' (if such a person even existed), so my folks hired one of the local kids who was a few years older than us and theoretically trustworthy.

Some years later, when I was a teen, I was contracted out to sit in someone else's house and tell their kids to go to bed or I'd tell on them to their parents.

This was between the early 80's and mid 90's by the way, perhaps it's different now.

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