Reply to post: Re: Americans are dumb

Take it Huawei, Pai: Senate passes bill to rip 'dodgy' kit from rural telcos


Re: Americans are dumb

"Americans are dumb

..and Trump will still be re-elected !"

has so far attracted zero upvotes and two down. I wonder if the down votes are because the headline is insulting to the hearing-impaired, or because Americans are smart and Trump will be re-elected or because .... is there a third option?

After being away for a couple of weeks, I've noticed that the number of comments on El Reg posts is much lower than it used to be. Did I miss something? When I did upvote a post about Putin and Trump, I was asked to log-in again and told:

Thanks. Your vote will be recorded, and totals updated, shortly.

which gave me a tiny frisson. I mean, to whom could my vote be recorded? Didn't Mr. Putin already fix that voting problem?

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