Reply to post: Re: Dear Francis

Pope tells his followers to log off for Lent


Re: Dear Francis

How should he fuck off oh Lord?

And the utterly perfect...

"Of course he's the Messiah. I should know I've followed a few"

I think the Internet proper should have locks against god botherers and other fun people (flatearth (#Frisbee) and vaxxers (#edward-jenner-die-die-die) come to mind). Each getting their own remedial area - like the Shiasphere or SunniSphere or Jewisphere, along with the Fluffysphere (Wicca, #shiningpathbunny), and all the rest - where they can all flame grille each other to their hearts content and leave the rest in peace. Could all get together and have 5 thousand a side flaming tournaments.

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