Reply to post: Re: File Encryption?

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Re: File Encryption?

Exactly, I store forms of my pwords on a notepad app on my laptop. They are in forms even I struggle to decode sometimes. They point to initialled phrases and the numbers are in a form of Navaho code talk in a language from the other side of the world.

The two factor in this is that the form only makes sense when I am reading them. So you would have to perfectly clone my brain with all its knowledge and understanding.

I prefer this to a pword manager which is defeatable due to get the pword for it and you get the keys ot the kingdom.

The munged pwords are ones I do not allow the browser to remember, ones that really matter and I have thought and learned carefully on that point.

I do on some things use sms/email 2FA but only as a ‘yes I know my door lock can be picked but I still lock it’ basis (I have viewed a lot of the Lock Picking Lawyer’s YouTube videos).

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