Reply to post: Re: How do we combat this?

London's top cop dismisses 'highly inaccurate or ill informed' facial-recognition critics, possibly ironically

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: How do we combat this?

Oh god another SNP bot

Yet again Scottish != SNP

Plenty of Scots inc myself do NOT support the SNP due to their incompetence, authoritarian nature and cult like approach.

Incompetence - NHS waiting lists in Orbit, NHS staffing shortages (and no serious attempt made in 12+ yars to plan for this and get people trained to take on roles), Carseview Hospital patient abuse scandal (still rumbling on and still attempts made to bury it by NHS Tayside and Scotgov), GRA watering down to placate the transphobes in their party, watering down of DAWAP into a tartan hued clone of PIP, minister even admits "structurally identical to PIP", school attainment dropping like a brick, councils criticially underfunded, roads worse than some 3rd world nations with potholes and cracks everywhere you look, council services slashed, money squandered on vanity projects, handouts given to their friends in the transport sector and no guarantee the haulage industry won't be next, 40+ year old rolling stock vaunted as "new"

Never an answer to any of the above points from the NatBots, wonder why? Likely as SNP High Command haven't told them what to say or have told them to keep schtum about it and / or insult the messenger...

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