Reply to post: Re: File Encryption?

It's Terpin time: Bloke who was SIM jacked twice by Bitcoin thieves gets green light to sue telco for millions

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: File Encryption?

You're right - I misread the article

"At the heart of the matter is Terpin’s phone number. In June 2017, miscreants successfully managed, after no fewer than 11 attempts in AT&T retail stores, to transfer his number to a smartphone controlled by the criminals – a so-called SIM jacking attack. The phone was then used to gain access to cryptocurrency accounts, linked to his phone number, to steal an unspecified amount of Bitcoin, and impersonate him on Skype".

However I still stand by the fact that the file probably wasn't encrypted as the thieves managed to open the file, retrieve the details and transfer the funds. Aren't we being told all the time about how government agencies want back doors to encryption? At the very least he should have split his credentials onto three different systems, password on one, user name on another and wallet ID on a third (or however many separate bits of info are needed) so that three hacks would be needed to get all of the required information , especially as he had been targeted in the past and lost funds.

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