Reply to post: Re: Tesla never said it's driverless

How many times do we have to tell you? A Tesla isn't a self-driving car, say investigators after Apple man's fatal crash

John Robson Silver badge

Re: Tesla never said it's driverless

Given that this incident was two years ago...

And we hear about every single one.

And there are a lot of these vehicles on the road.

And we don’t hear about other fatal crashes outside of maybe very local news.

IIRC the stats have autopilot still beating humans. Though that by definition ignores times that the human has taken over because they were paying attention.

I assume T could dig into their stats and see how often AP was disabled at the end of a clear journey as opposed to how often it was interrupted by a human, and how often it was interrupted only for the human to do what it had been planning anyway. But whether they have done that or not is anyone’s guess until they release it.

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