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Apple files yet another appeal against $503m FaceTime patent payout


OMG !!!! Congratulations to VirnetX for writing a patent I can ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND !!!

Heck yeah that Apple infringes on this! These patents describe a simple (but effective!) means to obscure domain names from external packet sniffing and interception software in such a manner that destination and originating domain names are changed to have their top-level domain monikers (i.e. changes over to y.coms which is similar but not the same as the original domain name) this FORCES much internet software to IGNORE those originating and destination addresses and allow an intercept (i.e. Facetime or other LOCAL MACHINE software) to become a Virtual DNS Server which translates the FAKE DNS names to the real ones and THEN communicates over the internet with the "REAL" destination and source using "fake" packets that MAY or NOT may have real-data in them. That data between the Virtual DNS server and client machines using normal Port 8080 or Port 80 is encrypted using a custom encryption algorithm.

While SIMILAR to DNS-over-HTTP, it's NOT the same because the top-level and other domains have their REAL names changed over to similar-but-fake-DNS-names which get ignored by most Internet routing software. It's a form of Security-through-Obscurity with some actual packet encryption thrown in.

One the Virtual DNS processes and gets the REAL DNS names from the fake ones, THEN it can internally do an internal fake-DNS-query-to-Real-IP-Address matching process and THEN use encrypted packets to start the secured communications process with the "real" client and/or destination machine.

Since any intercepting packet sniffers see only "fake" DNS addresses going to "fake" DNS servers that don't actually exist, AND that the REAL IP addresses that are assigned to the "FAKE" DNS names are on the "Virtualized local-machine DNS server, there is an amount of obscurity that is obtained that actually WORKS very well here AND is TOTALLY PATENTABLE !!!!


After "processing" what I am reading in this patent, Apple is TOAST --- The court is correct, APPLE HAS INFRINGED on a NOVEL security-through-obscurity and security-via-scrambled-DNS-names-over-Port-80/Port-8080 HTTP method !!!

For the $400+ million that Apple has to pay it was a WASTE of time to sue in the courts! The amount Apple spent on this case could have bought an ENTIRE TEAM of CPU designers to turn the A14 chip used in their phone sand tablets into a COMBINED 128-bit CPU/GPU/DSP that has 4 times the number crunching and graphics processing horsepower of today's A14 iPhone/iPad processor!



This was NOT a wise way to spend shareholder money!


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