Reply to post: Re: the HP board of directors fear for their lives

This is your last chance, HP. There's no turning back. You take blue poison pill, the story ends. You take the red Xerox pill, you stay in Wonderland

The Man Who Fell To Earth Silver badge

Re: the HP board of directors fear for their lives

"strangely, it is actually ILLEGAL to use borrowed money to buy stock [for individuals, anyway - since the Great Depression it has been so in the USA]. I have to wonder how it is that a CORPORATION can get away with doing that... maybe it's just "a loophole" ?"

No it's not. As an individual, it's called buying on margin if the loan comes from the broker directly. Shorting is also a form of buying on margin. I've done both in the past.

As a corporation, it's called a Leveraged Buyout.

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