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Chrome deploys deep-linking tech in latest browser build despite privacy concerns

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

No, he's right.

Here's the attack:

1. Find a page that:

1.1. Dynamically loads additional content based on when it scrolls into view. Many sites do this with images, for example. (Yes, it's extremely annoying; but it's common.)

1.2. Has some target content that you want to test for far enough down the page that it won't scroll into view immediately.

2. Put a link to the page with an STTF fragment referring to the target content on a shared site (the "health portal" in this example).

3. Victim is interested in the target content, so clicks on the link.

4. DNS traffic indicates a request to resolve the dynamically-loaded content from the target area of the page from the victim's system.

STTF can activate side channels, such as load-on-scroll content.

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