Reply to post: Re: How much?

The self-disconnecting switch: Ghost in the machine or just a desire to save some cash?

TRT Silver badge

Re: How much?

Hm... we had to deal with a Mr Jones, who was Regional Head of Security. He was an unholy trinity of financial auditor, Stasi officer and red team.

If the cash receipts in the store were down £10 at close-of-business on Monday, and up £10 at close-of-business Tuesday, then he'd be waiting at the shop door at 8am on Wednesday wanting an explanation for the £20 discrepancy. You can bet he'd have actually arrived at the store at 7am, had commanded the mall security (successfully) to let him into the back-of-house areas, and he would have spent that hour trying to pick the locks of and jemmy open the back door, jemmy the stock room windows, remove the extractor fan covers... he was the kind of a person who carried a large brief case around with him, said to contain a 6-cell MagLite, step-ladder, crowbar, screwdriver, lock picking set, smoke bombs, and a calculator with a roll printer. The last implement being the most feared of them all.

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