Reply to post: Re: Way to go...

Dual screens, fast updates, no registry cruft and security in mind: Microsoft gives devs the lowdown on Windows 10X

Fluffy Cactus

Re: Way to go...

From experience: From approxmately 1993 to 2016, I had never found a problem with the

basic concept of copy and paste. A k a Ctrl C and Ctrl V.

Leave it to MSFT Office 365 to mess that up.

Now, I get messages like "There is a problem with the clipboard" and "You may be able to

still paste the info to its destination"

Ask yourself: "Why would any software corporation mess with something that worked just fine for

the last 30 or 40 years? "

Leave it to MSFT to do exactly that! Do they respond to inquiries? No of course not!

Do they ban you from their "MSFT community" for asking questions? Yes they do!

Are they insane? Apparently yes!

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