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Dual screens, fast updates, no registry cruft and security in mind: Microsoft gives devs the lowdown on Windows 10X

Fluffy Cactus

I don't know what Windows 10X is or does,

What I do know is that, the latest Windows 10 update (aka destroyd-ate) ended up destroying the

"Dropbox system" I had on my computer. Now, I didn't and wouldn't use Dropbox on my own accord,

but just because a client (a human, not a computer) used it to send documents to me, that's why it

became an issue. Dropbox needs a lot of help. But MSFT does not give a lot of damn, about anything!

Once again, and for the 357th time: Does MSFT ever test its updates in a real live environment?

I think: No! Noooo! Not ever! Not even close!

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