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You'll never select all and mark as read again after this tale of peril... Oh, who are we kidding? Of course you will

The Oncoming Scorn Silver badge

Colleague of mine at Glacto Smut Klim, had a ticket in a building, went in, front desk unattended, so went & put all his clean room kit on & went in search of the PC with the issue when came forth a very loud.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Investigating a issue with this PC & keyboard, Why?"

I'm on the final walk through to check the building is empty, we are going to start fumigating it in the next 4 mins, didn't you see the signs at the front!"

"What signs?"

Indeed there was a complete lack of signage as all the regular staff were away, having been told it's a shutdown day & was deemed to be not required as the only people supposed to be there were the gassing team!

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