Reply to post: Re: Inevitable

Aw, look. The UK is still trying really hard to be the 'safest place to be online in the world'

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Inevitable

Inevitable indeed, but oh so easily avoided.

Make payment for online services obligatory, no more of this freetard ad funded business model.

Advantages: 1) bad content is strongly linked to an identifiable person, good enough for a prosecution. The responsibility for bad content is then easily laid at the feet of whoever put it there. The service provider is then off the hook. 2) easy prosecutions will soon lead to sufficient publicity that everyone learns “don’t muck around on the internet”. 3) with a real revenue stream service providers no longer have to resort to questionable intrusions of privacy like they do at present. Result; better relationships with users (who’d become customers), and more ad free websites. 4) no energy is wasted on running analytics so the IT industry becomes cleaner.

Neutrals: as a regulatory requirement its a level playing field for all service providers and makes for more competition.

Disadvantages: the server and storage markets take a big dive.

Any other points? We used to pay for online services like Compuserve, and bad behaviour wasn’t very apparent back then.

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