Reply to post: Dual screen?

Dual screens, fast updates, no registry cruft and security in mind: Microsoft gives devs the lowdown on Windows 10X

Mage Silver badge

Dual screen?

I used two screens on windows since about 2002.

Also most legacy applications use Win32.

This is re-arranging the deckchairs on XP 64 Itanic version. Very short lived.

Big issues Win10:

Poor compatibility older applications, which is the main reason to run Windows at all.

Sidelineing and making Win32 / WinForms support and performance poorer than XP / Server 2003

Garbage too flat GUI that is less customisable than Vista, Win7, Win2K, NT4.0, NT3.51, NT3.5 etc.

Settings all over the place.

Separate treatment of "Apps" and "Programs" in startmenu etc. Users do not care how it is implemented.

Evil MS Store for "Apps"

Inability to remove stuff

Removal of settings, or hiding them, or making them Enterprize only.

Too many versions. Let's go back to having "Workstation" and "Server" versions.


Having to use console command line for stuff that used to be in the Control panel

Illogical grouping of settings in the multiple places. E.g. why are "Storage" settings for which disk Profiles are stored on under Updates?

I have test box with Win10. I gave away the Win10 10" tablet that has a Keyboard Dock last night, it's so useless. It actually has Micro HDMI and easily supports a 2nd display.



Microsoft has lost the plot on Physical local windows on a Laptop (or the convertible ultra to Tablet) with their concentration on Cloud and stupid widget like apps really originally designed for a phone they don't have.

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