Reply to post: Re: Federally protected

Parks and recreation escalate efforts to take back control of field terrorised by thug geese

Ben Trabetere

Re: Federally protected

"Why are they protected? "

I asked a coworker about that when I lived in Ohio and our office parking lot was being menaced by these chin-strap thugs. It was against company policy to shoo away or otherwise torment the birds, and harming one could get you fired. He said they were protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918.

I argued that our geese were year-round residents and, as such, should not qualify as "migratory."

There was a retention pond next to the office, and the goose problem was temporarily resolved when the company rented a pair of swans from a fellow who rented them out as scaregeese. The swans paddled around the retention pond for a few days, and the geese went to menace elsewhere. The geese returned a couple of weeks after the swans were relocated. Not sure if that qualifies migratory.

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