Reply to post: Re: Move along ..... nothing to see here !!!

Who needs the A-Team or MacGyver when there's a techie with an SCSI cable?


Re: Move along ..... nothing to see here !!!

I don't think the side of my computer has ever been screwed shut all the way.

I've seen wooden beer crates (and other boxes) used as cases before. One person used their glove box (back in the very early days of making an MP3 player 'portable'), and another had done some fancy work with mounting mobo's under the seat in a minivan, LCD screens in the backs of seats - enough kit the kids could do some network Doom/Quake on long trips.

Once you get the traditional closed beige (or black or white or eggshell or...) box out of your head and start to think "where else can this go?" you can come up with all sorts of interesting ideas. Just needs enough airflow in the right places for cooling...

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