Reply to post: Re: They toooock ewre joohbs!!!

Crazy idea but hear us out... With robots taking people's jobs, can we rethink this whole working to survive thing?

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: They toooock ewre joohbs!!!

"I'd say there's a far great range of jobs than that. Where does footballer, or actor, or other entertainer fit in your scheme? Or robot designer/builder? Or plumber?"

I'd say some of them would move to the automated (CG) side of things, actors for example, replaced by creatives (intellectual). If everyone is to become a football, actor, plumber, electrician, then what happens to those industries, the value of each worker is reduced (over supply), wages go down. There is a limited amount of money that goes to each sector, each sector wants profit, if you are to employ more, the wages go down, if there is an over supply, wages go down, unemployment in that sector goes up.

"Which is just a new name for a very old idea that's never gone away. ... Today it's Uber."

And where are these shipyards and fairs doing this now, no where, why, because these people were replaced with more reliable and cheaper machines. Yes today its uber, which is planned to be replaced, and each and everyone that comes after will be, as it is cheaper to have a machine do it. There are no unions, no strikes, the machines don't care, it can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear! And it absolutely will not stop, ever.

"There's no historical basis for that statement. Certainly, a mechanised loom .... The market adapts."

Also there is no point in history where we have come so far in automation abilities, with machines that can try and fail until they get it right, no point in history has that happened so can not compare with.

So when the looms appeared, all these weavers, they got jobs maintaining these looms and building them, these jobs had higher wages did they? No, they were put out of work, the companies that made the looms would have less employees. Lets move that to today.

Weaving industry, moves to automation. Weavers out of job, small percentage stay on to operate the looms. But hey, looms are to be made, more fabrics made, they need transporting, sales, advertising etc. I can be in any of those industries, they would need lots of people.

I will be a loom maker, sorry, we only need a few to keep the machines running that make the looms, we already have them, if we double capacity, we may need a few more people.

I will be a delivery driver, sorry, we have just completed our automated delivery system, that requires no drivers, we have auto loaders at either end, we only need people to maintain these, and we already have them and are planning to automate some of that way too.

I will be in sales, sorry, we sell online only, we use the 'cloud' now and out sourced the work to India.

I will be in advertising, well that's all online now so sorry, we just pay google, and an ad broker to do that, all ready full.

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