Reply to post: Re: bits of your car not working...

Beware, Tesla might take away your car's autopilot if you buy its vehicles from third party dealerships – plus more news

Dan 55 Silver badge

Re: bits of your car not working...

There's too much bullcrap that goes on with software. If it's a subscription service and the subscription lapses then that's perhaps understandable, but if it's an option with a one-off payment I don't think anyone would tolerate their air conditioning or radio being taken away in the dead of night because they had the temerity to buy a car second hand.

It's not even a per person licence, it doesn't carry over to the next Tesla you buy (if you ever buy another one).

There should perhaps be a law about this to dissuade manufacturers pulling stunts like this "because software"... that is the option or feature should be available for the lifetime of the vehicle once it's been paid for with a one-off payment.

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