Reply to post: Re: Doesn't make any sense

Google Chrome to block file downloads – from .exe to .txt – over HTTP by default this year. And we're OK with this

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Doesn't make any sense

"Windows has been in the habit of taking action on a file -- typically executing it -- based on the name and/or extension"

This is mostly a two-sided problem. On the one side, file extensions are used to identify files of a particular type by applications that trust the content to match the extensions. *THEN* they CLUELESSLY pass the thing on to 'ShellExecuteEx()' or similar functions that actually scan the header to determine what to do with it. So an executable file renamed "" gets passed to 'ShellExecuteEx()' as-is with default parameters and it RUNS AS AN EXECUTABLE (rather than opening the program that is supposed to view ZIP files) and *VOILA* your computer is spamming others, logging your keystrokes, and cranking out blockchains!!!

Well, you get the idea.

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