Reply to post: Re: Why isn't any one offended men were required to wear a blazer and slacks or suit?

Hey GitLab, the 1970s called and want their sexism back: Saleswomen told to wear short skirts, heels and 'step it up'

codejunky Silver badge

Re: Why isn't any one offended men were required to wear a blazer and slacks or suit?


"The problem is you not tell people what to wear - you tell people the type of the event (i.e. formal, casual, etc.) and then let people choose what to wear."

That is one of the nightmares I hate. If I get invited to something that isnt every day wear then I wanna know what is expected (general labels dont help). I dont like those various types of clothes (I like comfortable) so I wanna know the kinds of clothes expected.

If its taken as guidelines I dont see whats wrong with the overall message. If the intent is to dictate the exact clothing or your fired then within reasonable (still appropriate) it is sexist.

*I am a bloke

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