Reply to post: Re: The way forward

At last, the fix no one asked for: Portable home directories merged into systemd


Re: The way forward

I shouldn't have impled it was more common than it was

Probably an easy mistake to make.. I consider using *nix, a firefox-based browser, ad- and script-blockers, other privacy tools etc to be quite normal - because I spend much of my computer time (including talking or thinking about them).

When I come across someone using Win 7 with an AV last updated during the factory install, using IE or Chrome, no ad/privacy protection - it sometimes takes quite a bit of effort to realise THIS is normal desktop use, not what I've surrounded myself with.

TL:NWR : If that's where you spent your time, that was your "normal". Can't fault anyone for thinking their "normal" is most people's :)

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