Reply to post: Perhaps....

Things I learned from Y2K (pt 87): How to swap a mainframe for Microsoft Access

Bruce Ordway


>>a user... moved a lot within the company....left MS Access apps that all became business critical.

>> perhaps

Yeah, I'm guilty of this too. I really liked using Access for quickly generating a prototype.

Unfortunately, some users tended to run off with these and before I knew it, whole departments were relying on the damn things. What's worse, along the way some users learned enough Access skills to be fairly dangerous on their own.

Over the years I've manged to port only a few of these to the "proper" places. To my horror, there are plenty Access dbs still left. (Management resists allotting hours for fixings things that "already work").

At least I've learned my lesson. These days I may still use Access for roughing something out but... I would not share the files with anyone.

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