Reply to post: Re: 3 laws for AI

Will Asimov fix my doorbell? There should be a law about this

TRT Silver badge

Re: 3 laws for AI

The one I have trouble with is #2.

"An AI must obey human commands..."

(1) Ha ha ha ha!

"Siri, Please set chill-out room lights to 50 per cent." ... ... ... ... "Playing 50 cent in children's bedroom"

(2) All human commands? Should it do what the human says or what the human meant?

I think... a story in my archival memory storage... was it called F.R.E.D.? About a robot that, on its first day in its new household, was instructed not to damage the flowers in the garden. And a few weeks later was instructed to cut the grass whilst the family went out for the day. When they returned they found it on hands and knees in the middle of the lawn in the pouring rain getting severely damaged by the soaking, and using a pair of scissors to carefully avoid all the daisies.

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