Reply to post: "Broadly speaking, advertisers don't actually need your data,"

Brave, Google, Microsoft, Mozilla gather together to talk web privacy... and why we all shouldn't get too much of it

Mike 137 Silver badge

"Broadly speaking, advertisers don't actually need your data,"

"Broadly speaking, advertisers don't actually need your data," said Schuh. "All that they really want is to monetize efficiently."

At last someone with "clout" has admitted this in public. The ad brokers who drive the tracking are the chief beneficiaries, and not because they use the content of the data themselves. They monetise the data by displaying their "reach" to prospective advertisers, just as "circulation" used to be a measure of the value of a newspaper for advertisers.

So we're being tracked and snooped on for the benefit of neither ourselves nor the advertisers, but to increase the revenue stream of the brokers - we're just the sausage meat in the grinder, but it's not for nothing that ad broking is one of the most profitable ventures in the modern economy. Everyone's screaming to be heard, and the din is so loud no-one dare fall silent for a moment lest they get forgotten about.

The big joke is that increasingly nobody's listening.

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