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Brave, Google, Microsoft, Mozilla gather together to talk web privacy... and why we all shouldn't get too much of it

Joe Drunk

There's only one entity that knows what's best for me. Me, Myself, and I Inc. As a corporation, all initiatives are implemented in a "What's best for my corporation" paradigm. Ads, trackers and other content I deem of no benefit to MMI [Me, Myself, and I Inc.] are filtered or removed. Once your traffic enters my LAN it is entirely under MMI's jurisdiction and the only terms that apply are MMI's which clearly state it will be filtered in accordance with MMI's best practices.

If your website should fail and fallover due to my content filtering MMI will remain indifferent and attribute it to a failure of your business model. News will still happen, it will merely be disseminated by another source.

I block all content I deem non-beneficial. It's just my corporate policy.

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