Reply to post: Re: Engineer ?

Hapless AWS engineer spilled passwords, keys, confidential internal training info, customer messages on public GitHub

Claptrap314 Silver badge

Re: Engineer ?

About such things, I tend to respond, "My ancestors left there 150 years ago for a reason."

In the US, there have been lawsuits over these. The first amendment just keeps winning.

Now, I would never condone someone representing themselves as a Professional Engineer who lacked the credentials. I would never fail to mock someone would hired a "Professional Engineer" without checking credentials.

The professions of PE and MD differ dramatically. The customer of an MD is typically an individual of average intelligence with no knowledge of the profession, and who is somewhat stessed. If challenged, even with the help of the InterTubes, they would be unable to check the credentials of the MD.

The customer of a PE is a business or a government, generally working through some sort of bidding process. The person doing so has as their job description to validate the quality of the bids.

Of course, I charged my engineering calculus students 10 points out of 10 for sign errors--I don't want bridges built with gravity going the wrong way.

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