Reply to post: Re: Whats the problem with unsafe code in Rust?

'I am done with open source': Developer of Rust Actix web framework quits, appoints new maintainer

jake Silver badge

Re: Whats the problem with unsafe code in Rust?

I wasn't talking about Coherent, I was talking about Mark Williams C ... most people know about the version that ran on the Atari ST, but they did an MS-DOS version, too. It was one of my go-to tools ... The thing was fully K&R compatible, and was fast, small and tight, being entirely hand coded in assembler. You could develop and compile tools for UNIX and the Atari-ST using the DOS version.

You could fit (and use!) the whole system, including compiler, assembler, linker, libraries, source debugger, decent screen editor (MS-DOS version of MicroEMACS hacked into an early version of an IDE), crude source code control, etc. on a single, DOS-bootable 1.44 Meg floppy. Here's a link to it's little brother "Let's C", with some blurb.

I remember reading that article in Byte, and in fact I bought a copy of Living C-Personal based on it. Still have it, in fact. I honestly don't remember ever using it in anger, though ... MWC did the job for me when I needed down & dirty C on DOS ... otherwise I was hacking BSD with pcc, as Gawd/ess intended :-)

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